A Mumbai Thriller

It all starts with Fluffy’s violent death. The book is a tour de force, not just because of its length (960 pages). The characters are special and I was as fascinated by Sartaj Singh, the hard-working, likeable, but corrupt policeman as I was by Ganesh Gaitonde, the flawed and violent villain. Their personal stories are very complex and deeply linked to the city of Mumbai, its social strata and the layers of power. Knowing the ‚right‘ people can be crucial for police and thieves alike. I read the book in English – well – and Hindi. The author kindly provides a dictionary on his website, which is extremely helpful, even if you just want to doublecheck that your knowledge of Hindi swearwords is 100% up to scratch. One linguistic aspect really surprised me – I thought only Germans used the word ‚Handy‘ for mobile phone, but it is mentioned at least twice here.

I understood Ganesh Gaitonde best through his relationship with Jojo Mascarenas, a woman who runs a very lucrative „business“. And this relationship made me like him in a way and then fiercely dislike him in the end. As for Sartaj Singh: His corrupt dealings and his occasional violence seem natural in the environment he operates in, yet his conscience frequently makes itself heard, particularly when he reminisces about his dead father, who was also a policeman. It almost feels as if his actions are under constant scrutiny by a higher authority that doesn’t approve of unlawful actions.
Then there’s the guru – and the secret service, particularly Anjali – and the Pakistani intelligence officer that takes up knitting as a hobby to calm his nerves – and Mary, Jojo’s sister. They all have their own fascinating story and all these threads are woven into the complex fabric of Sacred Games. Give it to your friends for Christmas – or treat yourself. But be warned: It’s addictive! I didn’t want it to end and it still lingers in my thoughts.

Das Buch gibt es übrigens auch in der deutschen Übersetzung von Barbara Heller & Kathrin Razum.

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Sprach-Gebäude in Berlin

Kürzlich war ich mit der Kamera unterwegs:

Sprache im Film

Prenzlauer Berg

Deutschsprachige Stimmen für internationale Filmstars

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by | 25/09/2013 · 13:10

A Holiday Read

Michael Palin promises no less than The Truth with a novel that loves its main protagonist. Hamish Melville is a really nice man – with all the flaws that go with it. He is not particularly successful in his work or private life, yet somehow always stumbles into something new when he’s about to give up. Sometimes the plot is a bit far-fetched, which made me like it even more …. and the fact that it is partly set in London and partly in some remote place in India adds to the attraction. It’s for all those who don’t quite go with the flow and still find their place in life. Take it on holiday with you. Or read it on the sofa on a rainy day. Or on a deckchair on your balcony. I hope you’ll like it as much as I did.

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Musical book swap….

… in Kaliningrad

Book Swap

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Ein Buch, das traurig macht

Ich mag Bücher, die eine Handlung einrahmen. Das hat Julia Franck in Die Mittagsfrau meisterhaft getan. Peters Mutter ist für mich die Hauptperson und meine Lieblingsfigur des Romans. Ihr Name wird nicht sofort verraten – aus gutem Grund, wie sich später herausstellt. Warum das Buch traurig ist? Weil selbst die Liebe nicht hilft. Ich habe es sehr gern gelesen, bin in Gedanken in Berlin an den bekannten Orten herumspaziert und habe gehofft …. Mehr kann ich nicht schreiben, ohne zuviel zu verraten, finde ich. Vielleicht sollte ich noch erwähnen, dass die beiden Weltkriege (auch) in diesem Buch vorkommen und ihre verheerenden Spuren bei den Menschen hinterlassen. Und Familien für immer verändern.

Und dass Anthea Bell den Roman ins Englische übersetzt hat. Titel: The Blindness of the Heart.

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Ein Leseparadies


In meiner Rolle als ehrenamtliche Lesepatin hatte ich kürzlich das Vergnügen, ein  Seminar des Berliner Zentrums für Kinder und Jugendliteratur LesArt  besuchen zu können, das den Titel trug: „…so leben sie noch heute.“ Märchen der Brüder Grimm im Wandel der Zeit.

Die beiden Seminarleiterinnen Sabine Mähne und Kathrin Buchmann entführten uns gleich zu Beginn in eine märchenhafte Welt aus Burgen, Brunnen und dunklen Wäldern und wir kramten unser Wissen zu 10 ausgewählten Märchen der Brüder Grimm aus unseren Gedächtnisschubladen. Von diesem wunderbaren Ort nahm ich viele anregende Tipps für eine fantasievolle Gestaltung des Vorlesens und Erzählens von Märchen mit – und den Wunsch, die Märchen meiner Kindheit neu zu entdecken.

Tiere im Märchen - Fotoausstellung

Tiere im Märchen – Fotoausstellung





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Eine Übersetzung wie Musik

Das ist ‚Geh nicht einsam in die Nacht‘ – aus dem Finnlandschwedischen von Paul Berf übersetzt und im Original von Kjell Westö geschrieben. Die Melodie der Geschichte begleitet mich, auch wenn ich das Buch schon längst ausgelesen habe. Eigentlich beschreibt es ein Zitat aus dem Buch am besten, was die Lektüre mit mir gemacht hat. Es steht auf S. 489 der gebundenen Ausgabe. Dort geht es darum, wie man berührt wird – von Liedern und von Menschen. Ich empfehle, zumindest diese Textstelle nachzulesen. Am besten aber gleich das ganze Buch. Die Geschichte von Jouni, Ariel und Adriana und allen, die mit ihnen in Berührung kamen, ist gleichzeitig Liebes- und Zeitgeschichte. Und erzählt ganz wunderbar, warum man in einer Sprache manchmal mehr zuhause ist als in einer anderen. Und warum man so häufig grandios aneinander vorbeiredet – oder auch vorbeischweigt.

Ein großer Roman.

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Neighbours (in Mumbai)

I don’t read a lot of non-fiction, but when I do, I like the book to tell me a good story. When I heard about Behind the Beautiful Forevers, the title made me curious and the fact that it was set in India even more so. Mumbai – vast, with many hidden corners – that is the setting – or rather, Annawadi, a neighbourhood where very poor people live in the vicinity of bustling Mumbai airport. The author Katherine Boo spent three years with the people we get to know in the book and witnessed their joy and their pain – well, it’s mostly pain with a glimpse of hope here and there. Corruption is one big theme and while I was reading the book, I almost despaired of all the injustice, the tedious criminal law procedures and the unfair medical treatment of the very poor. But above all, there was a sense of the very familiar – the squabbles of neighbours, the suspicious looks at somebody who is different, the girl struggling for a better life through education. The kids dream the universal dream of a better life. May at least some of them find it!

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Two (Crime) Stories

I listened to John Lanchester when he read from his book Capital and knew I had to read it. It is about London after all – or rather about a street in London. It tells the tale of several families and their sorrows and joys in 2008. Their lives are disrupted by postcards, followed by nastier messages.
The book is also about suspected and real criminal activity, fraudulent and destructive behaviour, love in various forms and great despair. The „hurly-burly of family life“, as the author puts it, is presented to the reader without judgement. The double entendre of the title stayed with me throughout the story – and on a recent visit to London, I was wondering whether it would always be the place of choice for those who have made this city truly great – its people from all over the world and their creative approach to life.

A friend recommended the other story  to me. Luckily, one of my favourite London bookshops had this little gem in stock. Dag Solstad’s Professor Andersen’s Night is a fascinating study on solitude, inner monologues, their sometimes rather destructive and misleading nature and on friendships and how they evolve over time. I think it’s a novella. Would you agree?


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Just a quick note to say: Ratlines by the Northern Irish writer Stuart Neville is a GOOD read and hadn’t been on my book wish list for nothing. After reading a review in the Saturday edition of the Financial Times on 25 January 2013), I was intrigued by this story that travels between Germany’s, France’s and Ireland’s past and the present. But then I forgot about it for a while, until it caught my eyes on my way back to Berlin at Dublin airport. It’s not your ordinary crime thriller, since it uses quite a lot of historical facts and blends them with the fictional (and sometimes not so fictional characters). The main character Lieutenant Albert Ryan has a tough job to do and some difficult decisions to make, testing his integrity and makes him wonder what loyalty means. There are lots of twists in the story and yes, there’s love, too.  Or something like it. I know now what the title means. Do you want to find out, too?

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