Category Archives: Gelesen



If John Burnside writes well about men, Siri Hustvedt writes well about women. The title The Summer Without Men somehow implies who plays the main role. Men have a presence in this book. A presence that is examined and re-evaluated.
And then there are the women – remarkable in old, middle and young age. A very loving portrayal of what it means to be old and frail is one aspect that I loved about this book. And what it means to have hidden so much in a lifetime, yet to find a  way to tell the story in the end  (in the case of  Abigail – one of the so-called Five Swans). Then there are the changes of perspective. The analysis of „indirect“ emotions (while watching a film) versus „direct emotions“ confronted with the death of a loved one. The dialogue with me, the reader. A woman myself, drawn into the circle in Boden.
After the bout of madness comes Mia’s healing. The only thing I was missing in that process was a female friend from her past. Somehow, that person didn’t seem to exist. Maybe she’ll come after the return to New York. After all, a substantially changed life always invites new people in. Let’s see where it takes the poet and teacher Mia. I liked her. And I liked reading about her circle.

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Filed under Gelesen, Lesung

Family men

I had met the author before I read the book. It was a beautiful summer evening in Berlin. Das Blaue Sofa  – brilliantly hosted by Barbara Wahlster – was taken apart and the discussion began. About the importance of editors. And translators. Social networks were also mentioned. And when we all gathered on the roof of the house to admire the sights and building sites of  ‚Unter den Linden‘, the conversation continued, the story unfolded and I knew what I wanted to read next. A Lie About My Father by John Burnside is one of those books that I won’t forget. It’s honest. It’s fiction and autobiography and it let me choose between the two. It is uncomfortable and heart-warming. It rummages in a family’s entrails and leaves me wondering why it’s so easy to take the wrong turn. And yes – it’s about addiction. Alcohol, other drugs – it’s all there. The mess, the hurt and the betrayals of self and others. And about men who want to hide.

At the beginning, there’s a quote by Patti Smith. I went to her concert the day after ‚Das Blaue Sofa‘.

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Filed under Bücher, Gelesen, Lesung

Eine gelungene Übersetzung

Ich tue es selten. Englischsprachige Bücher in der Übersetzung lesen. Weil ich sie so gerne im Original lese. Bei John Banvilles Unendlichkeiten (Titel des Originals: The Infinities) habe ich eine wunderbare Entdeckung gemacht: Es kann Spaß machen, es zu tun. Großartig, wie Christa Schuenke die verschiedenen Sprachebenen vom Göttlichen zum Menschlichen und wieder zurück transportiert. Ein großes Lese- und Denkvergnügen!

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Filed under Bücher, Gelesen, Übersetzen

On Ireland

About time I wrote about a book by Colm Tóibín. Is Bad Blood travel writing? It is in a way. It talks about a pilgrimage that leads to a deeper understanding of a troubled nation – in the writer AND in the reader. It talks about a religious conflict and a wealth divide. About the music of Ireland (of course!), about literature and about killings. I recommend this book to anybody who’d like to learn about Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and the people who live there. And about Colm Tóibín’s unique and insightful writing.

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Filed under Gelesen


…. and another book that was given to me recently. The poems in the anthology New And Selected Poems – Volume One by Mary Oliver are a wonderful summer read. Their attention to the minute detail of nature  make me want to go for a walk and smell the flowers after a gentle rain shower. And to listen to birdsong while thinking about The Rose that was never sent. Thank you to the owner of the Kleine Bücherstube, who surprised me with this gem in the streets of Berlin-Neukölln.

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Filed under Gelesen

Wie geht Freundschaft?

Das ist nur eine der Fragen, die Tschick von Wolfgang Herrndorf beantwortet. Auf ganz außergewöhnliche Weise. Über dieses Buch wurde schon viel geschrieben. Und es steht am Flughafen und schreit „Kauf mich“. So ein Buch lese ich normalerweise Jahre später. Wenn überhaupt. Aber glücklicherweise wurde es mir geschenkt. Und dann konnte ich nicht mehr aufhören zu lesen. Über Liebe. Über öde Landschaften. Über ein Nilpferd. Und über eine Mutter mit Lampenschirm-Hut, die Möbel in den Swimmingpool schmeißt. Und da war eben das mit der Freundschaft und dem Riss im Bild von Beyoncé.

Ob sie sich wohl wiedersehen? In 50 Jahren? Auf dem Berg? Schön wär’s. Mir ist es jetzt jedenfalls nicht mehr peinlich, als Teenager mal ‚Ballade pour Adeline‘ von Richard Clayderman rauf- und runtergehört zu haben….


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Filed under Gelesen

The fabric of life

The Dressmaker of Khair Khana ….
…is set in Kabul. And tells Kamila’s story. It’s about the threads that hold a family together. And sometimes an entire community. Or a dress. I would have loved to see the sewing workshop. And I’m delighted to read that women in Afghanistan wear green on their wedding day. You’d like to learn more about this country that too many of us consider a ‚lost cause‘? And about entrepreneurial spirit? Read this book by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon.

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Filed under Gelesen

A voice

To hear a singer’s voice while reading a book is pure bliss – especially when the singer is Tom Waits. Innocent when you dream is a wonderful collection of interviews and stories about this musical poet. Never voyeuristic like a lot of books about stars can be – and mainly interested in his art and why it is so special. Reading this book made me listen to the albums Rain Dogs, Frank’s Wild Years and Blood Money again – and suddenly some of the songs made a lot more sense. My fascination with Tom Waits started in a flat in Sweden, continued in a theatre in Berlin where he performed in 2004, has been fed with new album purchases over the years and now with this book. I can definitely hear the magic.

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Filed under Gelesen

University life

Sometimes a book takes me by surprise. Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers certainly did. I thought I was going to get some light crime fiction entertainment and found myself immersed in thoughts about women and academia instead. The book was first published in 1935 as one of the ‚Lord Peter Wimsey‘ novels. Yes, Lord Peter features as well, but the most interesting character is the writer/hobby sleuth Harriet Vane and her emotional struggles.

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Filed under Gelesen


Seide von Allessandro Baricco in der wunderschön-poetischen Übersetzung von Karin Krieger ist ein literarisches Kleinod und erfreute mich als Weihnachtsgeschenk. Eine Berührung mit kostbaren Worten – fließend wie die Stoffe, die in diesem Buch eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Dass seine Reisen die Hauptfigur Hervé Joncour in die japanische Provinz Fukushima führten, hat seit dem letzten Jahr eine neue Brisanz.

Und über die starken Frauenfiguren, denen Joncour auf seinem Lebensweg begegnet, denke ich noch tagelang nach, auch wenn meine Lektüre des Buches längst beendet ist.

Sinnlich & spannend!

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Filed under Gelesen